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数苑讲坛2024(九):Solubility and central nilpotency of skew left braces

发布日期:2024-04-10 浏览次数:

报告题目:Solubility and central nilpotency of skew left braces

    人:Professor Ramon Esteban-Romero (The University of Valencia)

报告时间:2024418日(星期四)16: 00-17: 00(北京时间)

Zoom:Meeting ID: 959 9070 6270, Passcode: 239083


报告摘要:The results of this talk can be regarded as a contribution to the study of the algebraic structure of skew left braces. Such structure has proved to be useful source of set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. We analyse here some properties that can be considered as a generalisation of solubility and nilpotency to skew left braces. These results are part of a joint research work with Adolfo Ballester-Bolinches, Maria Ferrara, Paz Jiménez-Seral, Vicent Pérez-Calabuig, and Marco Trombetti.

报告人简介:Ramon Esteban-Romero is now a full professor at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Valencia, Spain, the head of the Department of Mathematics. His research work has contributed notably to the progress of knowledge in abstract group theory, automata theory and formal languages and in the theory of braces and the Yang-Baxter equation, answering open questions in these theories and opening new lines of research. He has published more than 80 scientific articles in prestigious international journals, many books, as well as softwares.One of his most remarkable contributions in the structure of finite groups is the bookProducts of finite groups”. W. de Gruyter, 2010. (From MathSciNet, it has already 229 citations)Another remarkable contribution is the software “Permut: A package to deal with permutability in finite groups”. This is an accepted package after a refereeing process, distributed since 2014 with the computer algebra system GAP.



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