报告题目:Approximation algorithm design and analysis - right techniques leading to new improvements
报 告 人:林国辉,加拿大Alberta大学
主 持 人:何伟骅
报告摘要:Three optimization problems of different nature are introduced in this talk, and we study them from the perspective of approximation algorithms. We will show that several advanced algorithm design and analysis techniques can be deployed respectively, leading to improved algorithms. Besides new results, these design and analysis techniques are also of independent interest.
专家简介:林国辉,加拿大Alberta大学教授,1998年于中科院应用数学所获得博士学位,1998-2001年先后在佛蒙特大学、加拿大滑铁卢大学和麦克马斯特大学从事博士后研究,主要研究组合优化及生物信息学,在网络优化及DNA序列分析等问题上做出了一系列具有国际影响力的工作,主要结果发表在SIAM Journal on Computing, Algorithmica, JCSS, JOS, EJOR,TCS等国际重要期刊上。