报告题目:Minimal non-finitely based involution semigroups
报 告 人:罗彦锋教授 兰州大学
报告时间:2024年12月17日(星期二)9: 00-10: 00
主 持 人:乔守红
报告摘要:Since the 1970s, the known non-finitely based involution semigroups of smallest order are of order six. In 2020, we found the first non-finitely based involution semigroup $(A^{1}_{0},*)$ of order five. It is natural to ask what is the smallest order of non-finitely based involution semigroups. In this talk, we show that, except $(A^{1}_{0},*)$, all involution semigroups of order up to five are finitely based. Therefore, the smallest order of non-finitely based involution semigroups is five, and $(A^{1}_{0},*)$is the unique minimal non-finitely based involution semigroups.