报告题目:Normalized Solutions for Chern–Simons–Schrödinger equations
报告人:陈海波教授 (中南大学数学与统计学院)
报告时间:2022年6月28日 19:00—20:00
报告地点:708147608 (腾讯会议)
报告摘要: In this talk, we consider the existence and multiplicity results of solutions with prescribed L 2 -norm for a class of nonlinear Chern–Simons–Schrödinger equations. To obtain such solutions, we look into critical points of the energy functional constrained on the L2 -spheres. Under some mild assumptions, some results of existence and convergence property are present. These results improve and generalize the existing ones in the literature. This talk is based on a joint work with W. Xie.