报告题目:Curvature, diameter and eigenvalues of amply regular graphs
报告摘要:In differential geometry, a general principle is that the information about curvature at every point leads to diameter and eigenvalue bounds. Analogous results have been established for graphs. In this talk, we elaborate the point that the local regularity conditions of an amply regular graph play a role very similar to curvature. We will discuss sharp diameter and eigenvalue bounds for amply regular graphs derived from estimating the Lin-Lu-Yau curvature of each edge. Our curvature estimates involve new ideas relating discrete Ricci curvature with local matching properties. This talk is based on joint works with Xintian Li, Xueping Huang, and Qing Xia.
专家简介:刘世平,教授,博士生导师,中国科学技术大学数学科学学院副院长。2002年-2006年在山东大学数学基地班获理学学士学位,期间获潘承洞奖学金。2012年于德国莱比锡马普数学所和莱比锡大学获博士学位。2012-2013年再莱比锡马普数学所做博士后,2013年-2016年在英国杜伦大学任研究助理。2016年入选第七批国家级人才计划,同年至今在中国科学技术大学工作。主要感兴趣于图上的几何分析问题,特别是谱图理论,离散曲率等。在Advances in Mathematics, JGT, SIAM DM等期刊上发表学术论文多篇。