报告题目:DNNs layout on Wafer-Scale AI chip
报告摘要:The applications of deep learning increase rapidly, and powers many aspects of daily life, such as the famous alphago, face recognition and so on. In response to such flourishing demands, both academia and industry are finding diverse architectures specialized for deep learning, including GPGPU, TPU, dedicated ASICs and AI hardware. Recently, Cerebras develops a novel computer system wafer-scale specialized for deep learning, CS-1 Wafer-Scale Engine(WSE), one of the key feature is that it could compute every layer of a neural network simultaneously. ISPD 2020 contest introduced a challenge that aims at the physical mapping of neural network onto WSE. In this paper, we propose an efficient engine for DNN layout problem on WSE.
张晓岩,南京师范大学数学科学学院及数学研究所教授、博士生导师及博士后合作导师,中科院深圳先进技术研究院数字所高性能计算中心客座研究员,南京师范大学“百名青年领军人才”、“青蓝工程”优秀中青年学术带头人,江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才,江苏省运筹学监事会监事,江苏省欧美同学会青年委员会成员,中国运筹学数学规划分会理事,中国运筹学图论与组合分会理事,中国计算机学会理论计算机科学专业委员会委员,德国波恩大学离散数学研究所、英国伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院以及加拿大新不伦瑞克大学商学院合作访问教授,主要从事图优化划分问题、芯片设计图算法和理论计算机科学的研究工作,研究成果发表在《SIAM J. COMPUTING》、《SIAM J. SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING》、《SIAM J. DISCRETE MATH》、《J. GTAPH THEORY》和《IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY 》等国际著名学术期刊,主持多项国家自然科学基金及省部级课题并著有英文学术论著两部及译著一部。